Terms and Conditions

Please note: You must be qulified to NVQ2 in facials and skincare or above before becoming a certified Cocktail Facial Technician. You must carry valid public liabitity insurance and have signed your licence agreement. Proof of all this wil be required before you can trade as an official Cocktail Facial technician.

Personal Details
1. If any of your details change or contain errors you must notify Cocktail Facials immediately. If you do not do so, Cocktail Facials reserve the right to terminate your

Payments and Pricing
1. Online training course, examination/certification fee, and annual licence once purchased are all non-refundable, and Cocktail Facials reserves the right to remove your

2. Cocktail Facials reserves the right to alter service prices and product prices without notice.

3. Payments may be made by debit or credit card, or with Klarna pay. You cannot pay for your order by cash or cheque.

4. The cards accepted by us are those listed on the website on the date on which your order is placed.

Online Training Course

1. Access to the online training course content will be given for 2 months, which begins from the time of purchase. After this time, you will no longer be able to access the material and will need to purchase the course again if you want to access it.

2. The online training course material (videos, text, etc.) cannot be downloaded,recorded or copied.

3. Breaking these rules in relation to the course will result in the removal of your account, licence and certification and no refund will be issued.

Examination and Certification
1. You must have purchased and completed the Cocktail Facials online training course before you can undertake the exam.

2. Certification and the ability to provide Cocktail Facials to clients is only given to beauty therapists who pass the exam – the pass mark is 70%.

3. If you do not successfully pass the exam, you will be able to review the online course again and attempt the exam again. This is assuming your course access is still within the 2- month period. If you do not attempt the exam until close to the end of your course access period, you may be required to purchase the online course again to access the material.

1. To supply Cocktail Facial treatments to your clients, it is compulsory that you have completed the official Cocktail Facials online training course, successfully passed the examination to get your certification, have purchased an annual operating licence, and are exclusively using the Cocktail Facials marketing materials and products purchased from our online store.

2. You may only offer Cocktail Facials treatments to your clients with an annual licence that is in date and has not expired. You must ensure you always have a valid operating licence, which means you cannot provide Cocktail Facials if your current licence has expired while waiting for a new one.

3. You must keep your official Cocktail Facials certification stored safely, and customer have the right to ask for proof of certification

4. The environment you operate in must comply with environmental and personal standard rules and regulations, ensuring that the following regulations, policies and relevant procedures are adhered to, including: insurance and licences, qualifications and training, health and safety, age restrictions, vulnerable client policies, allergy alert testing and skin sensitivity testing, consultation, professional salon standards, advertising, promotion and pricing, sale of products, contracts and credit, record keeping, complaints (Trust my Salon Code of Practice from Chartered Trading Standards Institute).

1. We only sell the Cocktail Facials treatment products to professional beauty therapists who may use these exclusively to provide Cocktail Facials treatments

2. All stock and prices are subject to availability

3. All pictures shown are for illustrative purposes only. The actual product may vary.

4. All prices are in UK Pounds sterling and include VAT (where applicable).

1. If you are unsatisfied for whatever reason, you can contact us at hello@cocktailfacials.com and we will work with you to resolve your concerns. Please
remember that the online training course, examination/certification fee, and annual licence once purchased are all non-refundable.

2. We always endeavour to provide 100% customer satisfaction, and client dissatisfaction with our treatments should always be dealt with initially by the beauty
therapist providing the service. If the problem is not resolved, the salon supervisor/manager should be involved. If the issue is still not resolved, please contact us at
hello@cocktailfacials.com with a detailed account of the problem and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

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