Terms of Service

  1. When you book a course or treatment with or make a purchase from Cocktail Facials, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions below and elsewhere on the website, social media and other advertising.                         
  2. We require your full name, phone number, home address and email address and payment details when and where necessary to perform certain functions.
  3. It is your responsibility to inform us at the time of booking of any food allergies or intolerances you may have.
  4. We further require the full names, phone numbers, home addresses and email addresses of all others you have booked to attend with you, when you place the booking.
  5. The company needs to be made aware of any information relevant to individuals that have booked to attend the training courses. It will be the responsibility of the person making the booking, to provide this information to Cocktail Facials at the time of booking. The Company can refuse entry, for those that do not meet the requirements or who have not provided the full information required.
  6. Any purchase made from this website is subject to the laws of England and Wales.
  7. We only admit those whom the training course are made aware of in advance on booking will be in attendance. The booking is not transferable to someone else. 
  8. The courses are for those over the age of 18 unless a class specifies otherwise.
  9.  Full payment must be received before attending a course and a deposit will be required on booking.
  10. A confirmation email must be received from us, which will confirm your place to attend.
  11.  Photographs and videos may be taken of the class/event in progress and the food prepared. The photographs and videos may then be used in Cocktail Facials social media and advertising. By attending the event you are giving permission for any photographs or videos taken on the day to be used by the company in their advertising and/or social media.
  12.  Please note the time your attendance is required on the day as the class will start at the time stated unless otherwise directed by the organiser. Late attendees may be refused entry to participate in the class.
  13.  Please do not bring anything of high value to the training course, as the company will not accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of your personal items.
  14.  Please wear appropriate clothing and closed toe flat non-marking shoes when attending the class.
  15.  Please note we reserve the right to refuse any application to register for a booking.
  16. Smoking is not permitted inside or on the grounds of the training school.
  17. Any damage to the venue and/or it’s contents, then the training school can bill the participant or event organiser.
  18. We further reserve the right to request anyone in attendance at the training events, whom we believe is behaving in an unacceptable manner or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, to leave.
  19.  If for any reason you are unable to attend your booked course, the Company requires at least 28 days (before the scheduled class date) cancellation notice of this, in order for the class to be oered to someone else and for your class to be rescheduled to an alternative date. The re-scheduled course will have to be of equivalent value.
  20. If you cancel within 28 days of the scheduled date of the class, the Company will not refund the cost and your place will be forfeited.
  21. As classes take place in a group setting, very occasionally we may need to cancel a class if it does not attract the numbers required. You will be given advance notice of any cancellation and you will be offered an alternative date to attend or a full refund.
  22. The Company will not be liable, if the course cannot be run on the day, due to any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company which makes it impossible for the class to go ahead. If the circumstances so dictate, the Company will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of this. The Company will endeavour to re-schedule the class to take place at another date and time. If so, the Company will inform you of this as soon as is practical. However, if the class cannot be re-scheduled or the attendee cannot attend at the new said date and time, then the Company will in these circumstances refund the cost of the class to the attendee/s. 
  23. The Company will not reimburse you for any travel or accommodation costs relating to a cancelled or rescheduled class. We would recommend that you consider this when booking and obtain any relevant travel insurance in this case.
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